Friday, November 24, 2006

Yes Your Honour -review

Try out Yes Your Honour,
one of the better comedies of the year. Sreenivasan-Innocent combo brings to the screen a refreshing new chemistry that works. What makes the film a laugh riot is veteran writer T.Damodaran’s script which has been told in a humourous manner by director V.M.Vinu. Adding pep is the lead characters as lawyers who are always going for each other in a typical Tom & Jerry style of upmanship.

Ravishankar ( Sreenivasan) is a law graduate practicing as junior to a leading lawyer Venugopal (Innocent) for the last 12 years. Venugopal treats him like menial servant in his house, who looks after his pet dogs and has never entrusted him with a court case. Venugopal is a ruthless and unscrupulous lawyer whose main job is protecting an ex-minister John Varghese (Sai Kumar) involved in a sex scandal and Mustafa (Ramu) his partner in business and crime.

Ravishankar is an honest and upright man whose wife Maya (Padmapriya) fights for women cause. One day Ravi is humiliated by Venugopal to such an extent that he beats him up and leaves him. Due to the support of Judge Mukundan (Thilakan), Ravi gets a new lease of life as a public prosecutor. The first case that Ravi handles is the mysterious murder of DFO Sarah Shetty and he has to cross swords with Venugopal who is trying to protect John Varghese by manufacturing evidences! All this leads to a big twist in the climax.

The director and his writer have taken a dig at the state of our judiciary which is seeped in corruption. The climax is the highlight of the film and the message that “Justice will prevail” has been effectively told. However, there was no need for the two songs tuned by Deepak Dev as it mars the tempo. And what was the need for the long drawn out fight scene and all the blood and gore?

Still, at the end of Yes Your Honour you come away smiling only because of Sreenivasan. He chews up the screen and steals the show as advocate Ravishankar. Be it his harangue in the beginning of the film from a scene where he serves lunch to Innocent and his tongue-in-cheek dialogue, Sreeni is simply smashing. Watch out for Innocent, as the mean lawyer and he has great comedy timing. Jagathy as a man who deals in hired witnesses reworks his tried-and-tested comic antics one more time. Padmapriya is proving to be a fine actress with each film. There is a large bunch of talented artists like Thilakan, Sai Kumar, Babu Namboothiri, Riyaz Khan and Poornima who are good in cameos.

The second half drags a bit but nevertheless go have your share of fun with Yes Your Honour.

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